Loïc Guilloux
Before joining H2O AM, Loïc Guilloux spent 22 years in the Global Markets industry (FICC and Equities), 16 years at Merrill Lynch International, based in London and Paris, where he ran several activities (Asset/Liability & Investment Solutions for Global Equities in Europe, FICC for Belgium-France-Luxembourg, Complex Interest Rates & Forex Options Sales in EMEA, SVT representative…) and 6 years at Crédit Agricole Indosuez where, at the end of his tenure, he was deputy Head of Fixed Income sales. Previously he served as forward observation officer at 35° Régiment Parachutiste and section head at 6° Bataillon d’Infanterie de Marine (Gabon).
Loïc graduated from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and holds a DEA de Gestion from La Sorbonne and a Maîtrise d’Economie Appliquée from Paris-Dauphine.